First, I want to apologize for being MIA the last week. Mommy had a lot of things going on and forgot to leave me the password to her rude. Secondly, I want to thank everyone for the continued support,encouragement and love you show me!
Mommy was so excited yesterday when she weighed me, I lost 0.6 lbs! I keep trying to tell everyone these mommies of mine keep trying to starve me, but a'las, no one listens to me, I've really got to figure out how to use that phone... So on a half-brighter note, last week mommy bought me a water dish to go with the one my foster-mommy made for me, and guess what it looks like? A giant ice cream cone with sprinkles! The bottom even looks like a waffle bowl...I believe mommy has some sick sense of humor or something, why don't she just dangle a treat in front of me to chase, sheesh...I better not give her any ideas though.
So I've been sleeping in bed since I arrived here, to my forever home, I just don't understand why mommy and daddy insist on sleeping in bed with me. Mommy accidentally bumped me the other night and I bit her, that will teach her to interrupt my beauty sleep! I did feel a bit bad after so I apologized by snuggling up by her face and hugging her arm the rest of the night. She was pleased to say the least. No one could ever get mad at this face...except when mommy got up to switch the laundry out and made the mistake of leaving a small bag of Funions on the bed, when she came in she found me with my head in the bag and when I heard my name I quickly pulled my head out with a mouthful, jumped off the bed, and gobbled them up UNDER the bed where she couldn't get me. I think that will teach her to not eat snacks around a starved cat.
So Olivia wanted me to show you guys a picture of her, I think she's a bit jealous I have a blog and she doesn't, so I told her I would show my friends and a couple pictures of her so she could feel some special on-line lovins too!
(Olivia showing off for the camera =^_^=) |
That's all that has really been going on in my world. I'm loving my new home, all the new toys are great and my new mommy always reads me emails and comments from all of you guys, and my foster mommy. It's nice to be so loved, adored,pampered,spoiled... (=^_^=) ...Move over Hello Kitty, there's a NEW cat in town!
~Kinzi C.